- Record the information verbally called out by the Station Spotter
- Note: It is critical to log an accurate order of boats. The cameras’ images can be negatively effected by lighting (low in the mornings and glare throughout the day) and weather. This written record is used as back up to assist the evaluator when the camera images are not clear enough to positively identify a boat. While this may only happen to a minority of the images throughout the day it is not an uncommon occurrence.
- This includes writing down;
- Order of passing
- Bow #
- Description of the boat and/or crew (color of the boat, uniforms, blades, etc.)
- Where on the water (near, middle, far) when boats are grouped together
- All sheets should be kept in order on the clipboard and race number put at the top of the sheet
- Put Station Name at the top of the sheet
Recorder Sheet
- These sheets are very important. They are the written record of the race and can be used when there is a dependency or challenge in race results.
- They are also used to assist the Evaluator when they can not make out a bow number or they fall behind.
- Note: It may be helpful to have another volunteer to act a go between, to assist in communication between the Recorder and Evaluator.